

About Library
Golden Jubilee Celebration



About Library

Dada Ramchand Bakhru Sindhu Mahavidyalaya is a higher education  premier institution in the Vidarbha region of Maharashtra. The college has successfully offering higher education to the surrounding area. The college is well known quality institution in the Vidarbha region and maintaining the tradition of excellence. In the same manner library of the college is working as knowledge hub and extending the library services as well as knowledge treasure to the user community. Library is following the motto of the institution.

The library was established on 1st July  1971 with the foundation of the college. As the college is situated in Socio-economic  backward area , the students at large have no economic status  to purchase their own books, and to break this economic barrier,  our library is playing a very important role in providing  them books and other  academic information at no cost to built up support  and  confidence amongst the students and ensure their academic  success.

The library is having separate building.  The collection of the library is well organized and classified for the optimum use of it. Library is automated, bar coded with the help of LIBMAN software developed by Masters Software Nagpur. Library is proud to provide access to online resources like    N-LIST and National Digital Library project which is having more than 6000 online e- Journals and  3800000 e-Books for reference.

The library is having books, periodicals, non book material and specially, bound volumes of important periodicals and journals in its collection. The library staff is trying to provide maximum services to the students / readers as well as teaching and non teaching staff of the college to achieve the goal of the library.


Library is divided in the different section for the smooth functioning of the library.

  • Acquisition Section / Technical Section
  • Reference Section
  • Book Bank Section
  • Back Volumes Section
  • Reading Hall
  • Circulation Section
  • Periodicals Section
  • Stack Hall


  1. All  Students will be issued one Borrower’s  Ticket (B.T.)
  2. Students can avail only one book on one B.T.
  3. Books will be issued for one week only, and can be reissued twice if needed .

     (Subject to availability and copies)

  1. Students should return their book on due date written on Book Slip.
  2. Students are requested to be in que, while issuing and returning the book.
  3. Please follow Discipline of Library.
  4. Be silence on issue Return Counter.
  5. While coming to library, students must know the Title and Author name  of the Book, for that they can contact their subject teacher respectively.
  6. All students should return their B.T. and Books, 7 days prior to their final examination to clear their library dues.
  7. For Academic  purpose, students can avail the more books under security deposit scheme. (Fully refundable)
  8. For reference purpose, students can visit inside the library (Without Bag) and read the reference books at reading Room, which is at 2nd floor of the library building.
  9. Reference book is issued  for reading Room only and cannot be taken at home and it is issued against your I card only.  Without I card reference book will not be issued.
  10. Please Note that Delay in return of books will involve a fine of 1 Rs. Per day, Per Book.
  11. In case of any Problem and difficulty, Please Contact with Librarian.


  • Monday to Saturday: 8.30 A.M. To 5.00 P.M.
  • Reading Room: 8.30 A.M. To 5.00 P.M.
  • The Library remains closed on Sundays and on Public Holidays.


  • Mobile phones are strictly be in silence mode in the reading room.
  • Identity card is compulsory for the use of reading room.
  • Students can borrow magazine, Newspaper with producing identity card.
  • Silence should be maintained strictly in the reading room.


All the admitted students in our college are member of our library after showing  their Admission Receipt in the library and can collect their B.T. & avail all library facilities


It is special facility provided by the college library to the past students/ex-students. Such students desirous of making use of this facility are expected to register their names with the librarian.



Alumni Registration