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Place for Higher learning and Research (Ph.D)
Golden Jubilee Celebration

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Place for Higher learning and Research (Ph.D)

D.R.B. Sindhu Mahavidyalaya Place for Higher Learning and Research


Dada Ramchand Bakhru Sindhu Mahavidyalaya Nagpur “Place for Higher Learning and Research” is
recognised Research Centre of R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur in the subjects Botany, Chemistry ,
Zoology and Commerce and Managment.

Goals and Objectives of the Research Centre

• To promote research culture amongst faculties and students of the Institute.
• To establish a multidisciplinary Research Centre for the accomplishments of a Strategic Research
• To establish state-of-the-art experiments that could accomplish the goals of the Indian government’s
current New Education Policy (NEP, 2020) that will result in catalyzing the quality academic research in
all disciplines of basic sciences by introducing the regulatory mechanism and to create a conducive
environment in the institution which support research in the higher education.
• To collaborate with the industry to create an ecosystem that promotes growth through scientific research,
innovation, product development, and technological implementation, as well as providing a mechanism
for technology transfer and patents.
• To set up good infrastructural facilities and favourable environment to inculcate research temperament.
• Publish Research journal and contribute research articles in high impact journals.
• To establish collaboration with other Universities, Public and Private sector research Institutes.
• To undertake the research for societal benefits.
• To establish Patents and IPR.

List of subjects in Place for Higher Learning and Research

➢ Zoology
➢ Chemistry
➢ Botany

  • Commerce
  • Business
    Administration &
  • Business


List of Supervisors in Place of for Higher Learning and Research

Sr. No. Name of Supervisors Designation Department
1 Dr. R. R. Khapekar Professor Botany
2 Dr. M.M. Shinkhede Associate Professor Zoology
3 Dr. A.G. Thadani Associate Professor Commerce and Management
4 Dr. M.L. Vanjari Associate Professor Commerce and Management
5 Dr. Mrs. Z. N. Kashmiri Associate Professor Zoology
6 Dr. Y.V. Bhute Associate Professor Zoology
7 Dr. Ms. P.C. Sonarghare Assistant Professor Zoology
8 Dr. Mrs. S. A. Mandavagane Assistant Professor Chemistry
9 Dr. S.K. Kharkate Assistant Professor Chemistry


Admission procedure for PhD registration at place for Higher Learning and Research Centre

• The process of admission to University PhD program shall be held twice every year as per the directions
given by the university. Ph.D. candidates thus shall complete pre-admission process before the same

• Interested candidates shall submit intents for admission to respective research centres accordingly
giving preference for supervisors available in the respective research centres with tentative possible
• Criteria for Ph.D. registration for research candidates shall be post-graduation and should have cleared
the NET/SET/ PET examination.
• After completing NET/SET/ PET examination research students have to visit the research centre for
allotment of research supervisor available after consultation with Research Advisory Board.
• Research scholars will have to fill the D. R. B. Sindhu College Research Center admission form.
Additionally, PG degree certificate and NET/SET/PET passing certificates are also required for
completion of the admission process.
• After allotment of research supervisor, research scholar will have to finalize the topic of research for
doctoral research work.
• Research candidate shall draft the synopsis by discussing the topic, the various objectives of the selected
topic and its hypothesis with the research supervisor. This has to be done in the stated university
prescribed format.
• Subsequently, the research centre will plan pre-submission synopsis (viva-voce) for the research scholar
in presence of the Research Advisory Board Members. Student will have to additionally furnish research
coursework completion certificate of six credits before RAC at the research centre.
• After pre-submission of the synopsis at the research centre, the synopsis will have to be submitted at the
university before the RRC on or before the prescribed dates Each year.
• Once this synopsis is approved by the RRC, the research scholar fiils the PhD registration form and
finally receive registration letter from university; Following which he/she will have to pay the yearly
fees of Centre from the date of university registration for doctoral degree.
• Research scholars can access the departmental as well as the central library for the purpose of research
during his research tenure.
• Once registered, scholars will have to submit a research progress report in the form of presentation to the
research centre after every six months to show their research progress before the RAC.

• Attendance is essential for the research scholar at research centre as mentioned in the university
guidelines as per the criteria of admission (full-time or part-time).
• Research scholars have to discuss the research work with his/her research supervisor time to time and
avail their guidance for smooth research progress.
• Once the research work is over three months prior to the date of submission of the summary of the thesis,
he or she will have to mandatory apply for final pre-submission presentation duly endorsed by the
supervisor of the research centre.
• Research scholar shall present his her final research summary in presence of research advisory board
members at the respective research centre.
• Thereafter the student will apply for college and university library clearance.
• At the time of final pre-submission presentation, research scholar will have to produce all the duly
signed annextures prescribed by the university for the final submission of the thesis.
• Student will have to additionally furnish research coursework completion certificate of twelve credits
and receipts of annual fees paid at the research centre.
• After submission of the final thesis at university The research scholar will have to submit one hard copy
and a soft copy of the final thesis to the research centre.

Merit list 2024

List of canditates applied for provisional admission Ph.D 2024

Details of vaccant seat available for Doctoral research 2024

List of candidate for provisional admission in Ph D program.

Merit list of Eligible Candidates for Provisional admission to Ph.D Programme.

Subject wise list of Candidates applied for Provisional admission to Ph.D programme.

Details about Supervisor, number of students registered and number of vaccant seats.


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Alumni Registration