- B. Sc. Biotechnology (since 1999) (One of the first department in Nagpur University to start Biotechnology B. Sc.)
Sanctioned by UGC, Government of India
Initially started with a combination of Biotechnology, Biochemistry and Botany for one year
Biotechnology, Microbiology and Chemistry combination for graduation since 2000-2001
Two On-job training programs, one in CICR and one sponsored by DBT, Ministry of India
- M. Sc. Biotechnology (since 2001-2014)
Sanctioned by Ministry of Higher and Technical Education, Government of Maharashtra and RashtrasantTukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur
Plant Tissue Culture Lab since 2001
Animal Tissue Culture Lab since 2002
First PCR since 2003
Gene Sequences submitted to International GenBank (>200)
5 in-house workshops for M. Sc. Students
Alumni group created to reconnect old diamonds of the department in telegram
With the hard work and efforts of on date Principal Mr. P. S. Khilnani and Lecturer grade Dr. B. B. S. P. Nag, B. Sc. Biotechnology (since 1999) (One of the first department in Nagpur University to start Biotechnology B. Sc.), an advanced vocational course started in Dada Ramchand Bakhru Sindhu Mahavidyalaya with first batch having Biotechnology, Biochemistry and Botany as B. Sc. subjects. However later batches got Microbiology and Chemistry along with Biotechnology as core graduation subjects. As soon as first batch of Biotechnology graduated, M. Sc. Biotechnology (since 2001-2014)started in our college sanctioned by Ministry of Higher and Technical Education, Government of Maharashtra and RashtrasantTukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur. First batch was having 22 students while later 30 seats were permitted for admission. At this junction, new Plant Tissue Culture and Animal Tissue Culture laboratories were established and advanced Genetics based experiments started with the purchase of PCR. This helped most of the students to complete their final semester project work in college itself. These projects were equivalent in quality research work to the works of those students who completed their project works in National Research Institutes such as NEERI, NCL, CICR etc. Unfortunately, with no further interest to continue post-graduation course in college, M. Sc. Biotechnology was closed. However, B. Sc. Biotechnology still continued to progress in giving toppers to the college and University. Surbhi Saraf, Nitin Shirole, Sneha Khilwani, Anirban Mukharjee are few examples of being Gold Medalists of RashtrasantTukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University given by this department. Department of Biotechnology also has a long history of being in active research works in graduation and post-graduation levels. More than 200 gene sequences submitted to GenBank (ncbi.nlm.nih/gov) and a record of more than 20 publications to high impact factor journals are great insights for such progress.
Department of Biotechnology teaching staff started with permanent faculty as Dr. (Mrs.) Qureshi and Dr. Rawal. But for almost 10 years students were also benefited by top quality teaching of prominent Professors and Scientists as guest lecturers that included Dr. H. F. Daginawala, Dr. G. Balasubramani, Dr. Bagchi, Dr. (Mrs.) Suri, Dr. Raychoudhri, Dr. (Mrs.) Chaddha, Dr. Powar, Dr. Rajpal Singh Kashyap. However gradually permanent faculty of Biotechnology department was upgraded with current faculty as Dr. S. Bhagchandani and Mrs. R. Pawade. No doubt every pass out batch from starting till today has always credited about their career towards teaching faculty of Biotechnology department of our college.
It is usually in common observation that in science stream only few students accelerate towards PhD and choose career as researcher, but pass out students of department of Biotechnology have proven that this subject was their inspiration for building their future. We have on record more than 50 Alumni settled in various countries in the world currently joined in business, industry or university as a manager or scientist. While other alumni currently living in India have excelled their career as either professor or teacher or editor to a journal. Few of them have also started a Biotechnology based business. And these examples are not only pride to department of Biotechnology but also inspiration to current and coming batches of students. In whole, department of Biotechnology still continue to live as a family of teachers with great students.
Teaching Staff
1) Dr. Sharda Bhagchandani-
M.Sc.NET, Ph. D. (Medical Biotechnology)
(Animal Tissue Culture, Plant TissueCulture, Genetics and Bioinformatics)
2) Mrs. Rita Sachin Pawade
M.Sc. B.Ed. (Biology, Chemistry)
(Plant Tissue Culture, Microbiology,Macromolecules, enzymology, proteomics)
Non-Teaching Staff
Mr. HarshadBhaisare (Laboratory Attendant)
Mrs. Pooja Dhawle (Lab Assistance)
- The center is fully equipped with various instruments like PCR machine (Gradient PCR and Native PCR Machines), Laminar Air Flow cabinets, Spectrophotometers (including Double Beam UV-Visible), DGGE, Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory, Animal Tissue Culture Laboratory, Gel documentation system, Table top bioreactor, BOD Incubator, CO2 incubator, -20°C deep freezer , Orbital Shaker, Shaker cum Incubator, Hot Air Oven, pH meter, Digitally controlled Autoclave, centrifuge and other minor instruments.
- The Department of Biotechnology has fully equipped laboratories categorized as
- Proteomic Division
- Genomic Division
- Microbiology Division
- Plant Tissue Culture Division
- Animal Tissue Culture Division
Our department has one fully ICT equipped class room.
- A bridge course is regularly conducted for B. Sc. First semester students for identifying and improving intellectual growth in slow learner students. Every year, 10% of the students admitted to B. Sc. Part I Biotechnology group are usually having HSSC with Marathi medium or Urdu medium. The main purpose of this bridge course is to identify these slow learners and giving them knowledge that can help them in improving their results during exams.
- Continuous mock tests and unit test in regular lecture classes help students to build up their subject related knowledge.
- Regular parent teacher meet once a semester is conducted for overall development of students.
- “Women empowerment redefiend: from sinauli to present” Chapter in book unveiling the boundaries of Gender issues – MKSES PUBLISHER (MAY 2021)
- “Gender stereotypes” Chapter in book unveiling the boundaries of Gender issues- MKSES PUBLISHER (MAY 2021)
- Regular visit to national level research institutes to inculcate hard skill and soft skill amongst student.(eg.CICR)
- Visit to holistic places is also encouraged in our department to have an overall development of students. (eg.Vipasana Kendra)
A short term certificate course “Basic Molecular Biology Techniques” is annually organized for B. Sc. Semester VI students. Hands-on practice sessions are conducted for the students enrolled to this course for advanced molecular biology tools that can help the students for their future career selection.
- Guest lectures of national scientists, eminent faculties are organized for our students to give them knowledge regarding latest development in our field.
- We have fully functional mentor mentee scheme. Annually two mentor mentee meetings are conducted. The mentors are always available to help the students.
- Our department is fully equipped with all the essential course book, reference books and competitive exam books to encourage our student.
- We have approximately 200 books. Our library also includes ebooks.
- These books can be accessed by students easily.
- Some important books of our department-
- Molecular biology of the gene-Whatson, Baker, Bell, Gann, Levine, Losick
- Concepts of Biotechnology- Balasubramanian, Bryce, Dharmalingam, Green, Jayaraman
- Molecular Biotechnology: Principles and Applications of Recombinant DNA-
Glick and Pasternak
- Annual Upgradation on Curriculum Enrichment Courses as per CIE
- Interactive Knowledge based charts for Students
- Student Corner
- Knowledge based ebooks and videos
- Competitive Exam Preparation contents provided for the interested students
- Departmental Poster Competition
- DNA Day Celebrations annually on 25th April
- Alumni for Guidance of Students
- 90% practicals with individual Handelling
ALUMNI DETAILS (Department of Biotechnology)
Sr. No. | Name of Ex-Student | Batch year | Present Position |
1 | Dr. Dilip Gore | 2004-2006 M. Sc. | Founder Director – SAI Biosystems Private Limited, Nagpur, India
Having Two Patents Also acting as bioinformatics trainer PAN India |
2 | Mrs. Sonia BurileBalpande | 2003-2006 B. Sc. And 2006-2008 M. Sc. | Music Instructor, Swaralap Music Academy, Mumbai, India |
3 | Mr. Suvra H S Moulick | 2012-2014 B. Sc. | Assistant Managing Editor, SAGE Publications, New Delhi, India |
4 | Dr. Amit Nayak | 1999-2002 B. Sc. | Research Scientist at Central India Institute of Medical Sciences, Nagpur |
5 | Manasi Tiwari Sharma | 2003-06 B. Sc. | Pursued MBA finance and work in finance field since then working and living in Prague, Czech Republic |
6 | Neha Thakkar | 2003-2006 B. Sc. | Maryland USA and Masters in Biotech from John Hopkins University |
7 | Dr. Vinita Saroha | 2003-2006 B. Sc. | Ph. D. in Biotechnology from Dehradun. in NBAGR (ICAR) and Consultant, Core content at Elsevier, India |
8 | Rohan Thaware | 2003-2006 B. Sc. And 2006-2008 M. Sc. | Assistant Professor in Biotechnology, Dr. Ambedkar College of Science and Arts, Nagpur, India |
9 | Dr. Nitin Shirole | 2005-2008 B. Sc. | Ph. D. in Genetics at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory/ Stony Brook University, NY USA. |
10 | Dr. Sharda Bhagchandani | 2003-2006 B. Sc. And 2006-2008 M. Sc. | Assistant Professor in Biotechnology, DRB Sindhu Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur, India |
11 | Preeti Govindas Mathi | 2003-2006 B. Sc. And 2006-2008 M. Sc. | Project Co-ordinator, Scientist Grade, New Zealand |
12 | Dr. Maneeshi Prasad | 2002-2004 M. Sc. | Project Scientist, University of California, Riverside, USA |
13 | Dr. Ashish Warghane | 2009-2011 M. Sc. | Associate Professor, Faculty of Life Sciences, Mandsaur University, Mandsaur, M. P., India |
14 | Mrs. Meenakshi Mohadikar | 1999-2002 B. Sc.
2002-2004 M. Sc. |
One of the greatest dedicated Alumni of Dada Ramchand Bakhru Sindhu Mahavidyalaya |
15 | Dr. Vandana Garg | 2003-2006 B. Sc. | Dietitian, Jijeevisha EC, IDA Rajasthan Chapter, India |
16 | Dr. Sharanbasappa S. Karade | 2010-2012 M. Sc. | Postdoctoral Research Associate, IBBR-UMD, 9600 Gudelsky Dr., Rockville, Maryland, USA |
17 | Vivek Ghonge | 2007-2009 M. Sc. | Genetic Quality Control Expert Asia at HM Clause India, Hyderabad, India |
18 | Surbhi Saraf | 2005-2007 M. Sc. | First Gold Medalist in Biotechnology from RTMNU |
18 | Mrs. Veena Dhanwani | 2005-2007 M. Sc. | Teacher in Bangluru, India |
19 | Mrs. Surbhi Saxena | 2005-2007 M. Sc. | Sr. Manager in a fertilizer company, a central government undertaking in Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India |
20 | Dr. Prashant Tarale | 2009-2011 M. Sc. | Postdoctoral Research Associate, Rutgers The State university of New Jersey, USA |
21 | Mr. Tejas Pothi | 2006 B. Sc | MSc organic chemistry doing PhD in NCL, current position Assistant manager in BASF Mumbai, Indai |
22 | Mrs. Padma Makade | 2006 B. Sc. | Done MBA, Business Development Manager/Placement Co-ordinator, NIIT, Nagpur, India |
23 | Dr. K Kashyap Trivedi | 2006 B. Sc. | Done Ph. D. in Management, Working as freelancer (Portfolio Management) in Mumbai, India |
24 | Mrs. Rashmi Raut | 2006 B. Sc. | Science Teacher at Narayna School, Nagpur, India |
25 | Mr. Abhijit Khewale | 2006 B. Sc. | IT Consultant at Serviceberry Technology Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai, India |
26 | Mr. Vinod Rane | 2006 B. Sc. | Senior Software Engineer, Zopa Bank, London |
27 | Mrs. Swati Godbole Bokade | 2006 B. Sc.
2008 M. Sc. |
Helping in Business in Kuwaitt |