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Department of Languages
Golden Jubilee Celebration

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Department of Languages

About Department-

The department of Languages has come to emergence right from the day when Sindhu Mahavidyalaya had been established in the year 1971. It’s a multi lingual department having English, Hindi and Marathi languages. The Department started working in the right earnest from the word go and took up the challenge of teaching these three languages to the students in a very systematic way so that the short term and long term aims and objectives of language teaching and learning could be fully achieved.

The Department ever since has been working hard to inculcate all the necessary linguistic skills of reading, writing and comprehending the taught languages. It is true that while teaching English, certain difficulties do occur as most of the students come from Marathi and Hindi medium background and school. However a well earned experience of the teachers help us overcome these initially-insurmountable looking-difficulties in a few days after starting the process of teaching and learning.

The Department has five sanctioned posts of the teachers. Three of them teaching English and two Hindi. One contributory teacher to teach Marathi has also been appointed.

The Department organizes various academic and extracurricular activities to achieve the overall personality development of the students apart from developing communication skills in them to the expected level. The Department in order to boost up the confidence level of the students to make them presentable and proficient in the competitive world of globalization organizes intercollegiate events like debate, narration, essay competition, poster competition, quiz competition, extempore, educational excursions and elocution. The practice and the exposure that they get from the organization of such events add new feathers to their cap and more luster to their personality, a step towards metamorphosing them from ordinary to extra ordinary, from general to special. Every year more than 100 students participate in these events at College, University and State level and 20 – 25 students bag various prizes.

The Department is committed to maintaining sterling quality of education as far as the teaching of languages is concerned. The Department believes in the fact that better linguistic skills amounts to half the success and has the lion’s share in the success of the students. So the department is sure that it will continue the same dedication, commitment and quality of education in future too with missionary spirit and zeal of an evangelist so that the goals of education are fully realized.

Research activity-

  • Faculty members are working hard to enhance research activity of department. Regularly attend and present papers in conferences, workshops and symposiums. Published research papers in national and international journals.
  • The three faculties are members Board of Studies, RTM Nagpur University,Nagpur.
  • Three of them are Ph.D supervisors.
  • Two have completed their UGC Research minor projects.
  • Three have been conferred with national awards. Till date 15 awards have been received by all faculties.
  • Four are editors in various National and International journals and university boards.

Other Facilities – A Word a Day: A Phrase a Day-  Students are made to learn new words everyday  with their usage displayed on the white board.


Mentor- Mentee – Faculties help the students at academic and personal level. All teachers are assigned the responsibility of a group of students (Mentee) and they play the role of the mentors to help students solve their problems at academic and personal levels and boost up their confidence and shed off their shyness.

Certificate Course-

  1. Personality Development and Communication Skills.
  2. Translation course


  1. To help students to enhance their Personality and Communication Skills.
  2. To provide platform to the socially backward students to express themselves.
  3. To cater to the needs of poor students by taking very low fees as they cannot attend such costly courses outside.
  4. To raise them socially and upgrade their standard of living.
  5. To develop confidence spirit in them.
  6. To prepare them for the job interviews in future.


30 hours.


100, Certificate Course in Personality Development Session 2019-20 to 2023-24

Certificate course in Translation;

2019-20 80 122
2020-21 372 156
2021-22 369 229
2022-23 396 165
2023-24 380 164

Departmental library –

More than 200 Books of English, Hindi and Marathi including dictionaries (of all 3 languages) and thesaurus (English)

ICT and IT infrastructure –

Department is equipped with LCD projector, Computer and Laptop. We also have Language Laboratory. The basic purpose of language lab is to provide students a platform to improve and equipped them with language skills, communication skills and soft skills. There are 20 computers and the software with many conversational modules from Universal Communication. Students acquire lessons in listening, reading and writing. It makes students learn the language faster.

Evaluation –

Regular unit test, surprise test, terminal examination, university examination

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