“Our asset is the confident smiling faces of the students”
About the Department- Mathematics Department of the institutionestablished in the year 1971 along with the inception of this esteemed institute. Renowned faculties Ms.Iyer, Dr. V. Tulsani, Shri S. Bhave, Dr. P.P. Rao and others served this Department.Presently faculty members are Dr. A. A. Qureshi (Professor and Head), Dr.RupaliWanjari (Assistant Professor) and Shri Rahul R. Patil (Assistant Professor) PG Course. Dr. V. Tulsani, Dr. S. Bhave have published several books on Algebra, Mechanics, Differential Calculus and Integral Calculus etc. at the Undergraduate level as co-author and as sole author. The faculty members are actively involved in university work like Paper Setting, Paper moderation, Syllabus framing, Subject experts in selection committee, member of LECand so on.
Books and Research Publications:
Dr. A. A. Qureshi: Published 3 books entitled “Algebra and Trignometry”(Old Course) (Das Ganu Publication), “Topics in Higher Algebra”, “Introduction to Group Theory” (Alliance Publications).
Published 16 research papers on bimetric theory of relativity and number theory.
Dr.Rupali T. Wanjari: Published 2 booksentitled “University Mathematics” (Volume II and III) (Alliance Publications)
Published 7 research papers on theory of relativity.
Research Project:
Dr. A. A. Qureshi has completed UGC sponsored minor research project entitled “A study of plane symmetric space-time in bimetric relativity” in 2013.
Certificate Course:Certificate course on “Numerical Skill Development for Competitive Exams” is conducted to enhance quantitative aptitude of the students.
Departmental library:More than 100 books are available in the departmental library.
ICT and IT infrastructure: Departments has facility to use ICT enabled classrooms.
Mentor- Mentee Scheme: Teachers regularly interact with their mentees through this scheme and solve their problems.
Parent-Teacher Meet: Parent-teacher meeting is organized twice a year in the department to share the progress of students with the parents and also to get feedback from parents and students for further improvements.
Student’s Achievements:
Late SmtRadhabaiShendurnikar Prize awarded to Ku. PoojaDeshbratar of B. Sc. (PEM) for securing highest percentage of marks in the subject mathematics belonging to scheduled caste in the university in summer 2014 (369/450 marks in maths).
Remedial Coaching:
Faculties in the Department of mathematics provides remedial coaching to the students who are slow learners and having failed in the examination.
Evaluation: Continuous evaluation is done by conducting regular unit tests and terminal examination.