

Department of Physical Education
Golden Jubilee Celebration



Department of Physical Education

About Department-

Department of Sports has been an integral part of our college since the beginning.In the year 1971, when the college was started Dr.J.A.Wairagade was the first head of department. It is culture of our department to promote sport and sportsperson. Every year college teams and students participates in University, State, National and International competitions. Currently Department is headed by Dr. G. Ramchandra Rao and Mr. Upendra Varma is a physical education teacher. Department has facilities like Gymnasium, indoor games like Table tennis, Chess and Carrom. Outdoor games such as Volleyball, Kabaddi, Sepak Takraw is played in Quadrangle which is inside the college. Department gives lots of emphasis on a players overall developments on the field and off the field. It tries to inculcate sportsman ship and motivates them to become good citizens.



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