

Green Initiatives
Golden Jubilee Celebration



Green Initiatives

D.R.B. Sindhu Mahvidyalay is well  aware about  importance  of Environment Consciousness in the Country.

Under the same awareness various Green initiatives are carried out by College :

This include

  • Waste management
  • Rain water Harvesting
  • Use of Solar Energy
  • Green practices


  D.R.B. Sindhu Mahavidyalaya promotes the “ REDUCE, REUSE and RECYCLE” motto, reducing the need to dispose of waste as much as possible, and also ensuring proper disposal of whatever waste is generated by having a specified procedure for doing so. Thus ensuring a clean and healthy campus.Following are the methods adopted for waste management

Solid waste management:

  • There are separate dust bins for the bio degradable and non biodegradable waste which are placed at various locations on campus.
  • The dustbins are labelled with proper instructions to clearly distinguish the waste and disposing the same
  •  Bins are placed the canteen  where vegetative wastes may be produced.
  • Larger quantities of biodegradable waste are allowed to degrade or decompose by dumping it into the pits on campus.
  • For vermi composting suitable pit has been created,which contains few hundred earthworms in it. The waste matter introduced in this is broken down by earthworms into eco friendly manure.
  • The manure thus prepared is used in college garden.
  • Biological waste from the microbiology department consisting of microorganisms  are properly disposed. 
  • Littering of wastes is prohibited in the campus.
  • After every program conducted in the college,the students clean the premises and the wastes produced are separated into biodegradable and non biodegradable wastes.

Liquid Waste Management:  

  • Use of hazardous liquid chemicals generating hazardous fumes is avoided.
  • The other generated and waste liquids are disposed through well constructed drainage system.

 E-Waste Management: 

  • The D.R.B. Sindhu Mahavidyalay also very particular about disposing its e waste.
  • The collection bins are placed in college campus.
  • The e-waste is handed over to proper vendor for disposal.

 Efforts for Carbon neutrality

  • The institution has herbal garden containing different medicinal plants.
  • The medicinal plants, lawn and trees in the campus are well maintained.
  • There is a prohibition of burning plastic in the campus. These help in Carbon Neutrality.
    *Plantation- Botanical or medical significance
  • Medicinal Plant Garden was established in the institute, to cultivate and maintain medicinal plants for educational and research purpose. The objective of establishing this garden is to maintain a conservatory of the most common and important species of medicinal and aromatic plants which have significance in day-to-day primary health care.
  • The medicinal plant garden of the institute has various specimens of crude drugs,
  • *Bio-hazardous waste management

The faculty members also guide and monitor the students for careful use and handling of chemicals in various laboratories. Fuming chambers are provided in the laboratories for the proper disposal of hazardous fumes. There is a prohibition of use and burning of plastic in the campus.


Rain water harvesting structures and utilization in the campus

Being situated in a region with very extreme summers, we realize the importance of conservation and best utilization of water resources. We maintain and generate our water resources.

The water from the top of the roofs and the rain water is collected through proper network of pipes. There is a well connected pipe network delivery system. This network is instrumental in collecting the water, which is then collected in pit and well.

The students are also encouraged to do rain water harvesting and to avoid the wastage of water at home.


Steps for Energy Conservation are followed

  • Use of ample glass windows for maximizing use of available natural light in the operational areas
  • Classroom and labs are designed in such a way that natural lightning and ventilation are provided

Use of renewable energy

  • The institution has installed several solar lights in the premises.The path of the college is lighten up through these solar lights.

Solar panel

  • The management of the institution has also installed dedicate Solar panel with capacity of 13 Kw for one entire building of the college for all it’s energy usage.


Public Transport/ Bicycle

  • The local students are encouraged to come by bicycle and public transport to college. Most of the students who are from area near by college use their bicycles for coming to college.
  •   Many staff the Staff members have adopted carpooling facility for the saving fuel,safety as well as environment concerns.
  • All vehicles used by the college members are have PUC certification, which is renewed regularly.

Plastic free campus

  • Display Boards displaying USE OF PLASTIC IS RESTRICTED are placed in different area of the college.
  • Hazards of use of plastic are explained to students time to time for creating plastic free zone.
  • Through the subject Enviornmental Sciences ,students are taught about hazards of plastics and awareness about plastic prohibition is made.
  • Tea cups and glasses for water made of stainless steel and glass are used instead of disposable plastic cups and glasses at college canteen .
  • Extra Initiatives for contribution to conservation :

    Hundred students are enrolled in GREEN ARMY of Forest Department of Government of Maharashtra. 



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