

Golden Jubilee Celebration




First Appellate Authority (FAA)

Dr. V. M. Pendsey, Officiating Principal

Dada Ramchand Bakharu Sindhu Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur


Public Information Officer (PIO)

Dr.Satish V. Tewani, Vice Principal

Assistant Public Information Officer (APIO)

Dr.Shyamkumar G. Shende, Jr. Stenographer

Dada Ramchand Bakharu Sindhu Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur

On 15th June 2005 The Right to Information Act 2005 was passed by the Parliament. It came into force on 12th October, 2005. Any citizen of India may request information from a “public authority” under the provisions of this Act, (a body of Government or “instrumentality of State”). It required replying expeditiously or within thirty days. The Act also requires every public authority to computerize their records for wide dissemination and to proactively certain categories of information so that the citizens need minimum recourse to request for information formally. Dada Ramchand Bakhru Sindhu Mahavidyalya, Nagpur has declared as a “Public Authority” under this Act as the implementation of ‘The Right to Information Act, 2005.’ The Act commands that organizations defined as “Public Authorities” are obliged to make available information to the community and generate required preparations in order to encourage clearness and liability in the working for each public right. According to it some provisions of this act have come into effect instantly on its performance. An officer has been designated as Public Information Officer (PIO) in pursuance of the Right to Information Act 2005. PIO shall perform the duties and responsibilities as predicted under the act without fail. This kind of information shall be presented to the community at large through the website. The structure of RTI and works of PIO are available on the website



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